Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hump Day Hunks What qualities make a hero? Part 3

One quality that a hero must have in one form or another for me is Courtesy. A man who is rude, disrespectful or nasty just doesn't cute it in my made up worlds. For me a hero is at his most charming when he takes the time to show manners through caring.  If he can care for others, then it is obvious he will care for you.

  One of the heroes in my Zogone Sagas and hero of Ancient Enemies is Josh Hardigan. He may act like a bad boy, a ladies man, and slightly full of himself kind of like Sho from last week's post. But, the one thing Josh has in spades is courtesy and a great love for his family. Josh manages to grab the attention of his future wife, not by his soldier's skills or his pure good looks. What grabs her attention and keeps him from being blasted by her wiccan powers is the way he treats his grandmother. As Josh is walking down a hill toward Snow's family home, he takes his grandmother's arm to steady her, so she doesn't fall and hurt herself.

  A man who will take the time to care for his women folk, is a man worth taking a second look at. What do you think? Is a hero without some comment courtesy even worth a heroine's time? Or should we stick to the bad boy who loves his mama?

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